General Membership Meeting Minutes

December 6, 2003


Meeting was called to order at 7:02 Pm at 918 Benjamin NE, Grand Rapids.
Meeting was opened with the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.
Without objection, Attorney Glenn Smith, formal Postal employee, was allowed to introduce himself as an attorney knowledgeable in dealing with the Post office.

Roll Call of Officers:

Ray Novakoski, President Dick Page, Executive Vice President Barbara Tubbs, Recording Secretary Jim Birman, Treasurer Bill Scutt, Clerk Craft Director Linda Norman, AO Director Scott Larabel, MVS Craft Director Jim Myszka, Maintenance Craft Director Linda Norman, AO Director Mike Long, Sergeant At Arms

November membership meeting minutes were accepted with the correction that Cat Beemblossom’s benefit party was on November 29th, not the 27th.

Applications for Membership:

Clerks: Kimberly Wilson and Randall Boogaart Maintenance: Jim Baranowski

Officers’ Reports:

Treasurer’s Report: Birman: Treasurer’s report was accepted as written.

Maintenance Report: Myszka: Apologized for missing the November meeting. An MPE transferred out and that position was bid. Management claims that we’re still under withholding, so Jim has filed a grievance. AO offices were solicited for transfers to custodians in GR. These people have not taken the test, and there currently is no register for custodians. There are 3 MPE – Level 8 positions that are in the process of being filled. If anyone wants to transfer to maintenance, they should apply.

AO Report: Norman: Sylvia Taylor has given these AO offices excessing notices: Comstock Park, Hamilton, Newaygo, Fennville, Wayland, Middleville. Ray is going to set up a meeting with management to address issue. Middleville OIC has said he will intervene there because of a retirement. There are several offices that have reverted positions. Big Rapids is working PTFs excessive hours. Linda is trying to get another position there. Dealing with sick leave usage issues in Grand Haven and Spring Lake.

Clerk Craft Report: Scutt: Low Cost tray sorter jobs have been given to the mailhandlers despite grievance filed by WMAL. Seven mailhandler PTFs were converted despite being under withholding. Our PTFS are not being converted for that reason. Bill is investigating. Thanked Michelle Gregory for help on arbitration case heard on 12-5-03. Case was settled in grievant’s favor.

MVS Report: Larabel: Thanked MVS drivers for attending meeting. One steward is having trouble getting steward’s time. Drivers have been getting paid at Step 2 for non-MVS drivers transporting mail. Eleven Step ones were sent to Step 2 last week alone, because management refuses to do Step ones. There is an opening for an MVS steward. There will be an opening for a mechanic soon.

Executive Vice President’s Report: Page: Stewards’ training was held November 24th. Commended stewards that showed up despite bad weather. Dick is documenting the use of contract drivers transporting Express. The last 3 clerk messengers were excessed and assigned to automation. Keep track and let Dick know about the problems with the contract drivers. If carriers are handing off the Express to other carriers, let him know.

President’s Report: Novakoski: Fourteen jobs that were vacant due to retirements and transfers were reverted. This will be grieved because the work still exists. Ray, Jim, and Dick attended a Department of Labor class on LM-2 reporting. There were many changes, making it much more difficult for Unions. Human Resource offices will be closing down the road. @1200 of @1300 affected employees are managers. The window for closings is 2004-2006. The excessing in the AO offices will be fought.

Committee Reports:

Solidarity for Charity: Beemblossom: T-shirts are being clearanced for $5.00

Power Committee: Beemblossom: Wish upon a Star trees downtown If you want to donate and don’t work downtown, Cat will take your donation.

Cans for COPA: Beemblossom: $85.10 Jackie Pike (NE station) $7.00

A & E: Jennifer Amos: On Wed, December 10th, the A & E committee will be providing Pizza for the Membership.

Dental: Long: Signups are over. @ 50% dropped out.


Solicitation received from the Salvation Army.

Unfinished Business: Casuals in Lieu of grievance issue was tabled at the Executive Board meeting to request legal input from the National on ramifications of paying some or all of the people requesting to be paid with Local funds.

New Business:

Board Recommendations:

MSC to donate $75.00 to United Labor Charity Bowl for Special Olympics to sponsor our logo on tee shirts.

MSC to pay Jennifer Amos 12 hours pay to reimburse her for lost annual and sick leave due to LWOP for Union business.

MSC to buy three new computers at a cost of up to $1500.00 each to replace obsolete ones.

Motion by Nancy Gingery-Merchant 2nd Beemblossom to donate $1000.00 to Deaf, etc. Discussion. Carried.

Point of Personal Privilege: George Hendricks: Veteran’s Home is developing a nature walk and they are selling inscribed bricks for $25.00 each.

Motion by Hendricks 2nd Don Kramer to buy up to 8 bricks at the Veteran’s Home nature walk. Discussion. Motion to table by Birman 2nd Norman. Carried.

Point of Personal Privilege: Kramer: Ceremony will be held December 7th at 2:00 PM at Navy Reserve Center on Monroe in remembrance of Pearl Harbor.

Motion by Beemblossom 2nd Austin to donate $50.00 to each of the two adopted Wsh Upon a Star families. Discussion. Carried.

Request from Nunica to become part of our Local. Discussion. Secret ballot taken. Yes – 35. No – 5. Carried.

Labor Management:

If you have anything, let your steward or officer know. Regular meetings should be scheduled after Christmas.


COPA $47.00 Don Kramer $47.00 donated to Wish Upon a Star families.

$25.00: Rose Jerrills, Cat Beemblossom, Sally Lesiewicz, Steve Austin, C.J. Lozon, Barbara Tubbs, Tammy Byrnes, Jackie Pike, Jennifer Gilbert, Richard Fletcher.

$10.00 Door Prizes: Nancy Gingery-Merchant, Cheryl Gregory, Tina Myers, Scott Larabel, Linda Norman, Bill Scutt, Amy Puhalski, John Myszka

Meeting Adjourned at 8:58 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Barb Tubbs
Recording Secretary


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