Roll Call of Officers:
Ray Novakoski, President
Richard Page, Executive Vice President
James Sweeney, Recording Secretary
Sandy Henkel, Treasurer
Bill Scutt, Clerk Craft Director
Jim Myszka, Maintenance Craft Director
Mike Long, Sergeant at Arms
Orv Glombowski, AO Director
Mike Long, Sergeant at Arms
Scott Larabel, MVS Craft Director
Mail Handler Craft Director (vacant)
WMAL Executive Board appointed Scott Larabel, MVS Craft Director tonight at the Executive Board meeting.
January General Membership Meeting Minutes were accepted as corrected: S. Austin is a delegate to State as a State Officer and Tim Burke was nominated by Gilbert, Austin.
Applications for Membership:
Mary Arrendondo, Clerk, Grand Rapids.
James Lee Foreman, Maintenance, Grand Rapids.
Russell Jimenez, Retained-Mail Handler, Grand Rapids.
Bills: None.
Officers Reports:
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s report accepted as read.
Executive Vice President’s Report: Attended the Troy Education Conference. Received clarification on several issues of the National Agreement. Burrus update #2 spells out when the money will come. APWU members lost nothing in this contract. Article 11 and how you can receive A/L for working a holiday. Article 15, grievance settlement clarification. Article 26, uniform increase for all allowances. CFS upgrade: National leaders foresee 60-70% elimination of jobs in the future. Congratulations to George Hendricks on his 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Maintenance Craft Report: Attended the Troy Education Conference. National Maintenance Craft Director gave MS47 staffing program update. Blundell says staffing advocate coming, mechanical and automation staffing package analysis. Going to Norman OK February 3rd for Determination of 5, 7, 9.
Clerk Craft Report: Thanks for coming tonight. Two arbs: Still waiting on decision of $500,000.00 for two carriers in Clerk Craft; Reduced suspension. Attended Troy Education Conference. Still confusion on Art. 11, service talk coming on Art. 11, 3971. Stewards are aware how to fill out the 3971. Thank you to the two new Annex stewards. Steward Training, Wednesday, February 06 from 9-noon. Grievances are often being pre-arbed in GR and works out well and wants them to stay here in GR. Letter from WMAL lawyer to GR USPS. National’s Industrial Relations lawyer is working with WMAL lawyer and National may pick up some of tab for our local’s fight.
President’s Report: COLA check coming on March 15th. Back pay check coming April 12th. Retro check is for hours worked. Attended Troy Education Conference. Implementing pay raises. USPS pulling fast one offering discounts to big mailers but not general public, former Chief Financial Officer testifying. Senior Processors update, March 23, 2002. May be some problems that National will address. Must be on rolls on December 10, 2001 for $499.00 COLA. Article 11 changes. Postmaster is open to discussing the 4/10 work week. Sounds like it could be positive. Both parties must agree. Percentage problems with A/L issues at stations being addressed and grieved. USPS Voice Scheme Manager used in Palatine and discussions being held on testing in GR. We are awaiting word from National on feedback.
Committee Reports:
Retiree Report:
George Hendricks reports elections have taken place, all incumbents retained their positions. Still a vacancy for Secretary-Treasurer, accepting write-ins. Updating mailing rosters for local and MPWU.
Congratulations from audience for George and all election winners.
Next meeting, February 13.
Cans for COPA: $40.00.
BIG Check Committee: Recommendations and notices posted for March meeting to held March 9th.
Correspondents: GRIFFINS. Union night at the GRIFFINS coincides with GR Soc/Rec Committee. Catherine Beemblossom will be sending out check stuffers.
Unfinished Business:
Elections for State and National Conventions:
Election Committee: B. Scutt, J. Myszka and D. Kramer.
W. Wilkins and S. Page, ineligible.
Motion by Sweeney, Page to extend meeting till the end of business. Carried.
Election results attached.
Motion by Hendricks, Austin to untable the motion to purchase a portal at Labor Monument. Defeated. Division: 10 for, 16 against. Defeated.
New Business:
Board Recommendations:
Motion to donate $75.00 to United Labor Charity Bowl to benefit Special Olympics. Discussion. Carried.
Motion to affiliate at no cost with Western MI Union Label Coalition. Discussion. Carried.
Motion to donate $100.00 to Doug Warren in support of Leukemia/Lymphoma Society. Discussion. Carried.
Motion to donate $100.00 to sponsor a golf hole at the NALC Golf Outing on August 11, 2002 at Gracewell. Discussion. Carried.
Motion to spend up to $600.00 for a new copy machine for the MPO union office. Discussion. Carried.
Constitution Changes:
To be posted with minutes and voted on March 9th at the General Membership meeting.
Motion by Austin, Hendricks to purchase 300 "scab" stickers. Discussion. Motion by Scutt, Kramer to table. Carried.
Motion by Gilbert, Beemblossom to certify Karen Hodges as a delegate to the State convention at no cost to the local. Discussion. Carried.
Meeting is scheduled for February 21, 2002 at 10:00 AM.
COPA 50/50:
$47.50, D. Page.
$10.00 Door Prizes:
P. Maddox, J. Sweeney, V. Timmer, K. Hodges, S. Lesiewicz and B. Barnard.
Meeting ended at 9:17 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
James Sweeney
Recording Secretary
Webmeister Jennifer Amos. © Western Michigan Area Local
E-mail with comments or suggestions