Meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM at 918 Benjamin
NE, Grand Rapids.
Meeting was opened with the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance
and Invocation.
Roll Call of Officers:
Steve Austin, President
Jennifer Amos, Recording Secretary
Orv Glombowski, AO Director
Bill Scutt, Clerk Craft Director
Jim Sweeney, Special Delivery Craft Director
Larry Niece, Mailhandler Craft Director
Scott Larabel, MVS Director
Jim Smith, Maintenance Craft Director
Catherine Beemblossom, Executive Vice-President
Karen Hodges, Treasurer
Sergeant at Arms
Catherine Beemblossom introduced as newly-appointed Executive Vice President, leaving her position as Sergeant At Arms vacant. Steve Austin congratulated Catherine. She will serve as Executive Vice President for the remainder of the term.
The December General Membership Meeting minutes were read and accepted as corrected. The corrections are: On page three under new business, "charging none members' should read "charging non- members".
Applications for Membership:
Clerks, Grand Rapids:
Siv Hung --Susan Quint -- Rickey Jackson
Steven Jacknian --Daniel Decaire --Lynda Pollins
Donna Taisma --Matthew Layne -- Deborah Covington
Carol Nelson -- Ebony Tillman --Ameria Colbert
Franklin Drury-- Tricia Gardenaur -- Steven Rus
Susan Dehaan --Rita Hekkema -- Hansel McCoy
Brandi Denslow --Linda Clark -- Timothy Sherwood
Gregory Chertos --Tence Ann Hill Graves --Tina Paiz
Danirae Richardson --Mary Reyes
Maintenance, Grand Enids:
Raymond Cloutre -- Robert Slezak
Bills Accepted-
$ 25.93 -- Ronda Payne, Postage
2.40 -- Bill Scutt, Parking/labor board
21.37 -- Bill Scuff, Postage
$ 49.70
Jennifer Gilbert presented a bill for $50.71 for travel. Bill Scutt asked Jennifer to submit mileage reimbursement to the post office for payment.
Treasurer's Report: Read and accepted.
Associate Office Report: Orville reported on the grievance tracking system at the AO. He said he is on top of grievances, but, it's been a struggle.
Special Delivery Craft Report: Management will post vacancy in special delivery unit. A lot of overtime in this unit -- Jim Sweeney is asking management for assistance from clerk craft instead of carrier craft.
Clerk Craft Report: Bids will be posted January 9, 1998. Bill Scutt requests new bids at P-1. Management from P-1 did not participate in the process. Bill reports a problem with carriers regularly performing clerk work. Management has asked employees to sign light/limited duty forms when they are not able to work overtime. Scutt strongly urges employees not to do this. Kudos to Mike Long from the national level for keeping the new member list current and up-to-date. Bill Scutt believes our union is justified in using union resources to train stewards.
President Report: Steve Austin met with Murray Weatherall to establish a safety pin in honor of Larry Maleski for his 35 years of accident-free driving. Murray says it's a go. Parking in the basement has improved. Austin advises large vehicles to park in specified spaces. Jim Sweeney is doing an excellent job as Special Delivery Director. Christmas wasn't as usual this year. Austin feels management did a good job managing mail flow. New machines and better managing contributed to less overtime. Austin believes overtime will be reduced drastically in the future. The computer in the main office has a virus. The needs of the union dictate a new computer. Austin noted he was appointed to a labor committee for the purpose of erecting a monument for labor. Solidarity movement sponsoring a statue commemorating the furniture strike of the early 1900s.
Motor Vehicle Craft Report: Steve Harwood is off due to heart surgery. He is doing well. Discussed hiring and conversions with Al Smith. Step 3 grievances, non-MVS employees transporting mail. No decisions yet. No word on seats for tractors. Larabel going in for arm surgery -- direct questions to Mark Juczynski. Drive safely.
POWER Committee -- Karen Hodges: Toys, food and money delivered to two needy families. Also donated money to Molly Markowski Trust Fund. Next POWER meeting will be Jan. 7, 1998 at 8:30 a.m. Further information on the April conference and parliamentary procedure forthcoming. Keep shampoos, soaps coming.
Convention Committee -- Karen Hodges: Co-chairs have been named for the Bowling, Hospitality and Correspondence committees -- Jennifer Gilbert Catherine Beemblossom and Mike Long, respectively. We still need volunteers. Sign up with Karen. More contributions are needed from sponsors.
Cans for COPA -- Catherine Beemblossom: No figures yet for Cans for COPA." The COPA Honor Roll, for donations of $25 or more, includes: Clement E. Sentilli, Donald R Hansen, Martin Jendrasiak, John Metelonis, Gary E. Morgan, Gerald Roys and Alfred Stikwerda, all of Grand Rapids, William J. VanArk of Holland and James A. Weber of Jenison.
New Business:
Motion by Karen Hodges to attend Secretary/Treasurer training in Melbourne, Florida, Feb. 18-22. Approximately $1813 includes registration, travel, lodging, loss of time, shuttle, per them and applicable taxes. 2nd-Catherine Beemblossom. Motion carried.
Motion by Karen Hodges to purchase pins for delegates of the state convention. 2nd-Cather'me Beemblossom. Motion tabled.
Motion by Bill Scutt to donate $500 to the solidarity labor statue. 2nd-Dan Chester. Discussion. Motion carried.
Motion by Bill Scutt to attend District 4/5 training in Flint March 7-8, 1998. Approximately $300 covers per diem, mileage, lost time, registration. 2nd-Catherine Beemblossom. Discussion. Motion carried.
Motion by Jennifer Gilbert to send maximum number of delegates to state conference. 2nd-Catherine Beemblossom. Discussion. Motion withdrawn.
Motion by Bill Scutt to be paid for six hours of LWOP and four hours of sick leave. 2nd-Orville Glombowski. Discussion. Motion carried.
Motion by Bill Scutt to send Steve Austin to Presidents' Conference and District 4/5 training. Lost time, per diem, lodging, applicable taxes, mileage and registration. 2nd-Catherine Beemblossom. Motion carried.
Motion by Jennifer Gilbert to delegate 35 people to the state convention. 2nd-Catherine Beemblossom. Motion carried.
Motion by Bill Scutt to authorize up to $2,500 for the purchase of new computers for the union office. 2nd-Jim Sweeney. Discussion. Motion carried.
Motion by Orville Glombowski to cancel 1-800 phone number at the AO. 2nd-Karen Hodges. Motion carried.
Two proposed constitutional changes presented. Will be voted on at next meeting - 1) article 9, section 9, 2) article I 1, section 2. Proposed changes will be posted.
Motion by Orville Glombowski to accept Hamilton and Newaygo into WMAL. 2nd Scutt. Vote by secret ballot.
Motion by Catherine Beemblossom to extend meeting until end of business. 2nd-Jim Sweeney. Motion carried.
Motion by Mike Long to send 15 delegates to the 1998 National Convention in Detroit including per diem, mileage, registration, lodging and applicable taxes. 2nd-Cathaine Beemblossom. Motion carried.
Motion by Catherine Beemblossom to attend District 4/5 training in Flint March 7-8, 1998 including per diem, applicable taxes, registration. 2nd-Bill Scuff. Motion carried.
Secret ballot votes tallied for Hamilton/Newaygo WMAL admission. Newaygo -- 20 for, 1 against. Hamilton -- 20 for, 1 against.
Delegate Nominations for State Convention: Motion by/2nd
Karen Hodges --Jennifer Gilbert/Catherine Beemblossom
Joanne Saukas -- Jim Sweeney/Karen Hodges
Catherine Beemblossom -- Hodges/Bill Scutt
Jennifer Gilbert --Ruth Vachon/Scutt
Mike Long --Dan Chester/Tim Burke
Jennifer Amos -- Mike Long/Scutt
Ronda Payne --Orv Glombowski/Beemblossom
John Hansma --Sweeney/Glombowski
Barb Tubbs --Larry Niece/Glombowski
Leslie Kwant -- Vachon/Glombowski
Larry Niece --Barb Tubbs/Glombowski
Tim Burke --Long/Glombowski
Mark Jucszynski -- Scutt/Glombowski
Bill Scutt --Beemblossom/Glombowski
Jim Sweeney -- Hodges/Glombowski
Barb Wilson -- Scutt/Glombowski
Ed Moore --Niece/Glombowski
Dick Page --Tubbs/Beemblossom
Ruth Vachon -- Leslie Kwant/Glombowski
Scott Larabel -- Jim Smith/Beemblossom
Jim Smith --Beemblossom/Glombowski
Marion Maksymowski-- Sweeney/Glombowski
Paula Smigiel -- Tubbs/Glombowski
Sally Lecsiewicz -- Jennifer Gilbert/Glombowski
Dan Chester --Burke/Glombowski
Ray Novakoski --Smith/Glombowski
Michelle Flanagan -- Beemblossom/Glombowski
John Gregory -- Hodges/Beemblossom
Tammy VandeWetering --Scutt/Glombowski
Margaret Maksymowski -- Sweeney/Glombowski
Cheryl Gregory -- Tubbs/Glombowski
Dale Hinkley -- Burke/Glombowski
Sally Murphy-Thomas --Beemblossom/Glombowski
Missy Grose --Scutt/Glombowski
Jeff Schellinger --Sweeney/Scutt
Steve Skorupski --Gilbert/Scutt
Glenda Novakoski --Gilbert/Scutt
Denise Pettit-Williams -- Beemblossom/Glombowski
Randy Bates --Beemblossom/Glombowski
Doug Kuntz --Niece/Glombowski
Kevin Quick --Glombowski/Hodges
Rhonda Frieberg --Gilbert/Glombowski
Sandi Page --Beemblossom/Smith
Brenda Boersma -- Glombowski/Scutt
Fran Dubis --Cheryl Gregory/Scutt
Nancy Gingery-Brandt -- Ed Moore/Glombowski
Lee Kroondyke -- Beemblossom/Glombowski
Lee DeYoung --Glombowski/Scott Larabel
Linda Polak --Tubbs/Glombowski
Wes Kroondyke -- Kwant/Glombowski
John Frazier -- Tubbs/Glombowski
Pam Krueger -- Sweeney/Beemblossom
Florian Sullivan -- Glombowski/Scutt
Val Johnson -- Tubbs/Gilbert
Jackie Pike --Tubbs/Glombowski
Mar Schultz --Sweeney/Glombowski
Jeff Mulder --Glombowski/Scutt
Dele-gate Nominees for National Convention: Motion bv/2nd
Catherine Beemblossom -- Tubbs/Sweeney
Karen Hodges-- Long/Steve Austin
Mike Long-- Beemblossom/Glombowski
Ronda Payne --Glombowski/Scutt
Jennifer Gilbert -- Scutt/Vachon
John Hansma --Sweeney/Glombowski
Larry Niece --Tubbs/Glombowski
Tim Burke --Gilbert/Glombowski
Jim Sweeney -- Long/Gilbert
Scott Larabel-- Hodges/Gilbert
Bill Scutt -- Long/Gilbert
Barb Wilson --Scutt/Glombowski
Barb Tubbs -- Niece/Glombowski
Dick Page -- Tubbs/Gilbert
Ed Moore --Long/Glombowski
Mark Jucszynski -- Larabel/Glombowski
Ray Novakoski --Tubbs/Long
Michelle Flanagan -- Long/Glombowski
Jennifer Amos -- Scutt/Glombowski
Cheryl Gregory -- Tubbs/Glombowski
Marion Maksymowski --Sweeney/Tubbs
Margaret Maksymowski -- Sweeney/Tubbs
Glenda Novakoski -- Tubbs/Glombowski
Paula Smigiel -- Tubbs/Glombowski
Jim Myszka --Moore/Sweeney
Phil Loy --Scutt/Glombowski
Labor Management -- Steve Austin: Austin reports P- I is mis-using PTF clerks. Automation PTF clerks are being used on the flat-sorters, possibly displacing career clerks. (Concerns about Level 4 clerks performing Level 5 duties). Limited/light duty employees are causing a problem at P-1. They are not available to work their bid jobs. Automation clerks are working priority mail without "Target mail" training. Employees not taking a lunch or being forced to take a lunch after six hours even with an early-out. Concern over giving a casuals preference over career employees as to where they work. All other items already on agenda.
COPA: $16.50 to COPA, $16.50 to Tim Burke.
$10 door prize: Mike Long, Tim Burke, Jim Sweeney, Ruth Vachon, Rose Jerrils.
Meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Jennifer Amos
Recording Secretary
Jennifer Amos. © Western Michigan Area Local
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