Implementing Medical Care
545.41 Emergency Treatment
An employee needing emergency treatment must be sent to the nearest
available physician or hospital or to a physician or hospital chosen by
the employee or the employee’s representative. The physician who
provides emergency treatment is not considered the employee’s initial
choice of physician.
545.44 Outside Treatment in a
Nonemergency Situation
In a nonemergency situation, if an employee
does not accept treatment at a Postal Service occupational health
services office or contract facility, the employee may select a
physician or hospital within approximately 25 miles of his or her home
or worksite. The physician’s office should be contacted by telephone by
the control office or control point to determine if the physician is
available and will accept the employee for treatment under FECA. If not,
the employee must select another qualified physician or hospital. A
postal supervisor is not authorized to accompany the employee to a
medical facility or physician’s office in nonemergency situations
Editor's note: Over the years I have witnessed
many employees injured at work and fail to request to see their own
physician. The people at medical units and US Postal Service
contract physicians (in my opinion) are not acting in the best interest
of the employee but in the interest of the USPS and that is to get
injured employees back to work as soon as possible regardless of the
well-being of the an employee.