General Membership Meeting Minutes

April 7, 2007


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at 918 Benjamin NE, Grand Rapids. Meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation.

Roll Call of Officers:


Jennifer Amos, President
Bill Scutt, Clerk Craft Director
Amy Marcus, Executive Vice-President
Steve Lang, Maintenance Director
Jackie Pike Sgt-at- Arms
Karen Hodges, Recording Secretary
Linda Chandler, Treasurer
David Janes, AO Director
Scott Larabel, MVS Director

March General Membership Meeting Minutes were accepted as posted.

Applications for Membership:

Shannon Irish Clerk Grand Rapids

Officer’s Report:

Treasurer – Chandler Approved as read for March MSC

Executive Vice President – Marcus Attended the round robin in Detroit. Scutt and I attended the job summits. Went to some of the AO’s to hand out T-shirts and to educate the non members. Michelle Gregory stepped down as the Area 9 Director, for the State. Amos recommended me to fill the position for the remainder of the term. Waiting to hear from Gary for finalization.

Clerk Craft Director – Scutt; Waiting for arbitration decision, Storm grievances going to Step 2. April 19 I will be attending the unveiling of the Labor Monument, went to Detroit for the round robin. Having a special meeting in April for suggestions for local negotiations.

Maintenance Craft Director – Lang: Biggest question on how to staff P-3. Job posting will state the required training. Went to Detroit for the round robin. Pay adjustments are done by immediate supervisors with TACS access.

MVS Craft Director – Larabel: Also attended the round robin in Detroit. MVS did breakout for half a day. Mechanics were hired in at the garage. Still waiting for 2 more. We are getting more and more transmission work, therefore needing more mechanics.

AO Director – Janes: Went to the round robin also. Was satisfied that the AO’s were included in this contract. No casuals are to work windows or do any scheme work

President – Amos: Local negotiations going on. National organizing campaign for women to join the union going on right now. The golf outing is June 2. In Holland some employees will be excessed. Attended the round robin in Detroit, was very helpful. Had the yearly audit for the 2006 financial records. The audit committee consisted of Barb Tubbs, chair, Tammy Brynes, and Char Croschere. Thanked Amy for taking over the Area 9 Director position. Went to several AO’s for the 1.6 surveys, and to take T-shirts to members, still lots of non members who haven’t been approached to join the union.

Committee Reports:

Local Negotiations – Page: Had some preliminary meetings. The committee consists of me, Marcus and the craft directors and Skorupski will be the note taker. We need cosmetic changes on things. We plan on soliciting members for ideas as a road map. A special meeting will be April 19th here at the hall.

Legislative –Hodges: The Employee Free Choice Act –One of the most important law reform measures in decades was introduced in the US Senate March 29 – legislation that would give American workers greater freedom to make their own choice about joining unions and bargaining for better wages, benefits and working conditions.

Senator Edward Kennedy and 46 co-sponsors introduced the Employee Free Choice Act (S.1041), a bill that would stiffen penalties for harassment; intimidation and other illegal tactics employers use to prevent workers from having a voice at work. The US House voted 241-185 in favor of this bill.

COPA – Scutt: Bottle return $21 from P-1, $10 from NE Station and $20 from MPO.

Retiree – Hendricks: One of our members made the Grand Rapids Press, Don Kramer. Many things to do here in Grand Rapids, the butterfly exhibit at the Frederick Meijer Gardens, The Rowe International Museum of juke boxes. The Solidarity Monument’s dedication is April 19, downtown.

Audit- Byrnes for Tubbs – Met on March 27th. Had some missing receipts but otherwise was in good order.

Motion Myszka Second Hendricks to accept the 2006 Audit. Carried

P.O.W.E.R. – Hodges – Thank the membership for sending me to the conference. There were several great classes. Identity theft, Personal Safety, Phishing scams on the internet, HIV AIDS, Cancer, OWCP, Retirement, and Financial Planning Judy Beard talked about the Women’s Organizing Drive going on right now. National officers going cross country to get more women involved and join the union, their slogan “A Woman’s place is in her Union”. Also she talked about CLUW (Coalition of Labor Union Women) they are having a post card drive sending them to President Bush, US Senators and the House of Representatives to leave FMLA alone.


Thank you from the Labor Heritage Society of West .Michigan for purchasing 10 bricks. An invitation to the Annual Rockin for Justice benefit Concert April 20th in Southfield, Michigan.

Unfinished Business:

Motion: Scutt Second Pike: to reconsider the motion passed last month in regards to everyone being counted as attending one meeting, because there was no February meeting due to inclement weather and the board decided not to reschedule. Discussion Carried

The motion from last month’s meeting: All members of the WMAL be noticed and counted as having one of the three meetings necessary to qualify for nomination to attend the National Convention in 2008. This is due to the board cancellation of the February 2007 Meeting because of inclement weather

This was ruled as going against the constitution. MSC

Motion Janes Second Pike: to extend the meeting until end of business. Carried

To pick the foursome for the golf outing on June 2nd. This is to be done by ticket pulled out of the container. Jack Fryling, Dick Page, Steve Lang and Scott Larabel’s numbers were picked.

Board Recommendations:

To pay LWOP for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for those attending the Educational Conference in Sault Ste Marie. Discussion Carried

To spend up to $1000 for legal expenses. Discussion Carried

To spend up to $1000 to purchase a flat screen TV for raffling off for COPA Discussion Carried

New Business: Motion: Scutt Second Pike To send board members, Karen Hodges and Jackie Pike to the Educational Conference in Sault Ste Marie, with LWOP, hotel, registration, Food. Discussion Defeated

Motion: Austin Second Janes: To send board member Karen Hodges to the Educational Conference in Sault Ste Marie, with LWOP, hotel, registration, food. Discussion Tie 9 yes 9 No Tie breaker Amos No Defeated.

Motion: Page Second Austin: To make it a policy to pay LWOP to the WMAL local negotiating committee for negotiating the LMOU Carried

Scholarships: (5 $1000)

Justin Pierzchala, son of Gerard Pierzchala; Chad Becker, son of Bill Becker; Matthew Emelander, son of Nancy Emelander; Angela Novakoski, daughter of Ray Novakoski and Maria Woszczak, daughter of Jennifer Amos.

The 5 alternates: Jacob Pierzchala, son of Gerard Pierzchala, Stephanie Jenkins, daughter of Steve Jenkins, Jessica Emelander, daughter of Nancy Emelander; Amber Covell, daughter of Kim Covell; and Jackelyn Hess, daughter of Michelle Wilson.

Labor Management:

Meeting in conflict with local negotiations, Parking problems at P-1, No safety service talks on T-2 or at P-1 T-1.


COPA $35.00 Winner Mike Long

$250 door prize would have been won by Pam Bohn has she been present at the meeting.

Hams were won by Doug Warren, Scott Larabel, Steve Lang, George Hendricks, Scott Achterhoff, Steve Austin, Tammy Byrnes, Jackie Pike, Mike Long and Jim Myszka.

$10 door prizes were won by Amy Marcus, Dick Page, Karen Hodges, Bill Scutt, Dessa Long, Joe Kresnak and Phil Maddox.

Meeting adjourned at 9:38 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Karen Hodges
Recording Secretary



Webmeister Jennifer Amos. © Western Michigan Area Local
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