Grand Rapids Installation
May 25, 2007
10:30AMMANAGEMENT: Ron Portolese (Postmaster), Daryle Rocco (Senior MDO), Fred Quillin (MDO), Mike Crisman (T-2 MDO), Teresa Miller (Labor), Ron Twentyman (Transportation)
UNION: Amy Marcus (Exec. Vice President), Scott Larabel (MVS Director)
Old Business
1. The union would like to be updated on the hiring of additional clerks. Rocco stated they are waiting for the FSM excessing on the 23rd of June and the excessing in Holland. Amy stated that the Holland withholding notice needs to be lifted since the Holland employees have been excessed for approximately a month already. Rocco stated he would look into it, he also stated that they will be hiring around the end of June and they are still looking at hiring 18 clerks.
2. There are issues again in regards to allowing the PTF’s to pref on residualvacancies. The language is clear in the National Agreement and this union would like is mgmt abided by that language. Amy stated this has been resolved all PTF’s will be making regular June 9, 2007 and any incoming clerks will be full time regular.
3. Holiday Scheduling issues. Ron stated that he will address the customer service side/stations and designate one person to handle the communication with the plant-T-2. Amy suggested that customer service communicate with T-1 in the plant on scheduling Zone 3/7 clerks. Amy also asked that Rocco address Darlene Brenner as there is still a communication issue with her and T-1 at the main office. Rocco will address.
New Business
1. Issues with employees being denied leave request on T-3 at the MPO. Amy stated that employees are complaining that they are submitting for a few hours of leave to attend union meeting and being denied. Fred stated he would look into it and get back with the union. (Fred spoke with Amy on 5-25-07 and stated that the two times that he looked into it was max off and they could not afford to let anyone else go).
2. The union has not received copies of maintenance and motor vehicle postings as we have in the past. Why? Rocco stated he was not aware of this and would take care of the maintenance side and Ron Twentyman said he will address the motor vehicle side.
3. The union would like to discuss start time issues for the FSM 100 crews. Crisman said all FSM 100 operators start at 0700. Mgmt is thinking about changing the FSM 1000 crew to 0900 but waiting to make a final decision. Bill will follow up with Mike.
4. Casual employees working past 0500. This was agreed upon at the National Level between the union and the postal service. Locally mgmt continues to violate this agreement. This union has filed numerous grievances and is requesting that mgmt adhere to the language. Rocco stated there is no violation. Teresa read a cc mail from John Dockins stating that this is an interpretive issue with the APWU and no violation exist. Amy informed them that our National’s position is that a violation does occur and the grievances will continue.
5. Management at the P-1 unilaterally took the hanging of the express mail sacks away from the clerks and assigned it to the mail handler craft. This is a violation of the RI-399 dispute process. Lengthy discussion between both parties. Teresa stated that the hanging of the sacks belongs to the mail handler craft. She also stated that she only agree that they hang the sacks when all need to be hung, not intermittently during processing, clerks can do this. Amy asked if an operational change had occurred and mgmt stated no.Amy further stated that this is a violation of the RI-399 Dispute process.
6. The union would like to discuss the new language in the LMOU regarding overtime. There was discussion about the way mgmt will take volunteers for overtime. Rocco said he will draft up some language and forward it to Amy. Both parties agreed that the employees should be informed during a service talk.
Added Agenda
1. Cleaning at the VMF is still not completed. Scott stated that this has not even started, this problem has been resolved through Step 2 resolutions, labor mgmt meetings and discussion with mgmt. Rocco said he will find out what is going on. Scott stated he wants a specific time frame by the end of the day today or labor charges are forthcoming for failing to comply with a grievance settlement.
2. Issues at the VMF will the supervisor mandating documentation for and telling employees they need to schedule their appointments late in the day. Scott discussed the specific issues and told Rocco who the supervisor (Bill Host) was that was giving the employees problems. Rocco said he will find out what is going on.
Respectfully Submitted
Amy Marcus
Executive Vice President
Webmeister Jennifer Amos. © Western Michigan Area Local
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